Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Yesterday was a wonderful day with my family. We had our weekly Family Home Evening. We hold this on Monday nights every week, and it is a night that we set aside solely for family togetherness. Sometimes, we plan family events. At other times, we have a religious lesson or message. Earlier this summer, we built a chicken run for our chicken coop. Sometimes, the evening is completely unstructured, and we just jump on the trampoline or chase each other around the house. I work long hours, and my children really look forward to this. They are ages 2 to 10 and I hope that they don't grow out of it, although I am sure that is just wishful thinking.

Last night, we gathered long dead sticks in the meadow area in our front yard and we raked giant pine needles. The kids are using these raw materials to build a lean-to style shelters against the pool house and against a closely positioned grouping of four oak trees out in the meadow. It is so adorable to see them plan and construct. Their goal is to not use any items that are not native to our yard. We would place the long narly oak branches against the trunk of the tree and try to lay them and interweave them in a way as to get a reasonably sturdy structure. The kids then thatch the frame with the big pine needles and line the floors with soft moss. (I'm sure that the hundreds of species of spiders that call are property home are going to be very grateful to the kids for these huts).

I'm just glad for times like last night and for the memories they create.

And since this is a promotional products blog, and since the weather is starting to turn chill, I would really enjoy a classic jacket like this Devon & Jones Clubhouse Jacket.

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