A blog primarily about promotional products, branded apparel and advertising specialties, but also some of my simple joys, observations and thoughts about life, family and business.
Friday, July 31, 2009
I found a fun little blog a couple of days ago. at http://www.prizeatron.com. It is a blog which specializes in guiding the reader to giveaways and contests for free stuff all over the web. From what I can gather, this blog has a particular focus on the cottage industries and cottage web etailers selling items for mothers and their young babies and children. I showed it to my wife and she got very excited and had me bookmark it.
We have been giving away prizes at American Promotions and hosting trivia contests which we promote on Twitter. Naturally, this little blog piqued my interest. Our success so far has been marginal, but there is always a learning curve with these kinds of things.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
In a brand and image conscious world, there is something to be said for quiet, unrecognized service. Unadvertised, unheralded service of one's fellow man is, in my view, one of the most valuable human endeavors. There are so many good, salt-of-the-earth people I know who spend large portions of their time volunteering, reaching out and privately giving without ever expecting or even wanting the acclaim and notoriety of others.
Yet, there are other times, when promoting service (whether Christian or of another faith) is the only way to help the larger world understand and receive the religious message.
Promotional products can support and spread the message in a more permanent and memorable way than other forms of media. Take for example the Mormon Helping Hand's efforts. This is organized (usually community service and clean-up) organized by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
The organizers have the option to order yellow t-shirts or vests from the church with the Mormon Helping Hands logo and imprint. (They are actually encourage to download the necessary artwork and to print the t-shirts locally.)
The Mormon Helping Hands brand has increased the visibility of the Church. It brings almost uniformly good press, and it shows the wider community that the Mormons are people who are willing to give back.

Monday, July 27, 2009

I had a great customer experience today with an email marketing firm named RatePoint, and I don't hesitate to give a plug when the service and help the company gives is this good.
RatePoint is an email marketing / survey administration technology provider with what appears to be a very strong and complete suite of services for the small to medium business. I signed up for RatePoint on a 30-day trial basis through ASI (Advertising Specialty Institute) of which I am a member. Within about 24 hours of signing up, I received a call from Steve at our home office asking to set up a time to go over the software and features with a walk through. After a bit of phone tag and exchanging emails, Steve and I talked today, and he did a great job in walking me through the value their company provides. Steve used glance.net, (a very cool service itself for sharing what you are doing on your desktop remotely with your client or prospect to give them a personalized presentation) and he walked me through at least three aspects of the RatePoint service. He helpful, respectful, not overly salesy, and he agreed to make himself available for future questions to cut down on my learning curve.
I was very impressed, and the pricing is affordable for any company which takes online marketing seriously.
I haven't given the company the full trial run, but I wanted to get my initial impressions out there. My hat is off for great customer service.
I had a great weekend. I participated in a service project with other members of my church. I live in gorgeous Southern Oregon, and we have a long hiking, jogging, cycling, horse riding path named the Bear Creek Greenway.
Saturday morning, I took three of my boys and my wife and we joined more than 800 others in removing blackberry brambles, weed eating long grass and weeds anc clearing a roughly 1.5 mile stretch of overgrown area back from the sides of the Bear Creek Greenway. It was a hot, hard and very enjoyable work. Here is an article "Helping Hands" from the Medford Mail Tribune.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Digital Jump Roping-For Those With a Will but not a Wii

What's appealing about exercising with a jump rope is that it's small and portable for indoor exercise (unlike a treadmill or bike). To motivate the exerciser, it has a timer, an audio pacer, and calorie counter. It also digitally tracks best records. Well, depending on how well I jump, that feature might be encouraging.
American Promotions sells digital jump ropes here.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Pen-Highlighter-Flag in ONE

Thursday, July 09, 2009
Instant Group Seating-Wow

I like camping. I have Cub Scouts. I've done the Little League thing. This bench seats a crowd--and it only weighs 19 lbs..
American Promotions sells it here.
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Portfolio to Keep Us Oganized

I actually get ripped pocket seams in my slacks from carrying gear. This portfolio's pockets are perfect for my stuff. I also like how the interior pockets hold things, but don't hide them. I only wish it had a locator beeper--then I'd never lose anything again.
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
This BBQ Apron Has it ALL

The aprons also include a bottle opener, padded oven mitt and a towel, and multiple front pockets. It's like a whole BBQ kit, ready to hold everything a grill cook needs. We sell them here.
Monday, July 06, 2009
Music to A Dog's Ear
I really like how the dog tags add uniqueness and wearablity to what is really a music giftcard.
Made without lead, each 4-color imprinted tag comes with 5 prepaid songs that is compatible with iPods, MP3 players, PCs and Macs.
American Promotions sells them here.
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Many years ago, I was driving an RV from Utah to Southern Oregon with my wife, her sister and a bunch of college friends who were returning to Oregon for the holiday. It was my wife's parents' RV. It was 1 in the morning, in the middle of barren Nevada desert, and we missed our turn. Since we hadn't seen another car for a long time, we decided to turn the RV around in the middle of the highway. Well, we underestimated how narrow the highway was, and we ended up forced into inching back and forth, trying to get the beast of an RV turned around. As we were broadside, a semi truck appeared, heading our way. We had no headlights or tail-lights pointed toward him to even let him know we were there. In desperation we drove off the road and promptly got stuck in the mud. Eventually we were rescued--but I could have used these emergency flashers.
I like the magnet in the base that holds the emergency flasher to the top of the vehicle. The design is clever, and I want one for my car. And my in-laws' RV!
American Promotions sells these flashers here.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Reusable Photo- Drinkware
American Promotions sells this cool cup here!

This frosted plastic cup version turns clear when filled with cold liquid: