I just discovered a really cool product that I think I would like to try. It is called the Circa Notebook System and it is available from Levenger. It looks really innovative. It is a perforation/punch system that punches "teeth" along the edges of any size of page, and then a notebook is disc bound, because the teeth grip each individual disc. This allows for fast and easy movement of paper in and out of the organizer or notebook and exchanging between notebooks with the same system. It looks to me like Levenger does corporate sales of the product and they have a really nice line. From what I could find online, the Levenger Circa system is a licensee of Rollabind, and Rollabind invented the technology. The Levenger system is also quite expensive for promotional use, but would make a really nice gift to the right executive.
I also just learned that Leed's has their own line of Rollabind products available through promotional products distributors. Here is the link for the Leed's Rollabind system, and the Rollabind website.
We are going to need to get some of these up on our website, and perhaps do a custom landing page for them, because it is an ingenius system, and I am glad that we can offer it.

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