Her father is a pharmaceutical rep, obviously. But, since I'm always interested promotional items, after I put the eggs away I examined the bag. It's a simple plastic bag with handles made of the same material. This company imprinted a full coverage four color logo on both the front and the back.
Is this a successful promotion? Yes, I think it is. The logo is bright, eye catching and readable from afar--useful attributes on a bag that gets carried around. The base of the bag includes the company name, Forest Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and their five focuses: Pharmaceuticals, Therapeutics, Healthcare, Managed Care, and Specialty Sales. There is no contact number or website--but I don't think that's an omission on their part. The purpose of the bag is not to encourage people to shop at Forest Pharmaceuticals. Since prescriptions can only be written by a doctor, the purpose of the bag is to encourage people to recognize the name of the drug Lexapro and maybe ask their doctor about it. And the cost of plastic bags are lower than if they were non-woven or cotton bags or totes, so these bags help make marketing dollars go farther.
American Promotions carries a line of plastic bags so your company can "carry" your logo into promotional success too. Here's a Vinyl Accessory Bag, the clear Weekender, INSERT PLASTIC BAP LINK HERE
What promotional bags have crossed your path?
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